New Employee Orientation
Congratulations and Welcome to Delaware Tech!
Online New Employee Orientation (NEO) is your first step to joining the Delaware Tech team. This web page will introduce you to important information, resources and benefits that are becoming available to you as a new Delaware Tech faculty or staff member.
Once you have completed NEO Online, please bring all completed new hire paperwork to the Human Resources Office for your pre-scheduled on-site onboarding appointment. At that time, a Human Resources representative will collect your new hire paperwork, verify your employee information, and review additional employment details including Delaware Tech benefits programs. If you have not already scheduled an on-site onboarding appointment, please call the Human Resources Office Representative listed in your offer letter to do so.
View the full list of Employee Benefits.
History of Delaware Tech
The Delaware General Assembly created Delaware Technical Community College in 1966, when it approved House Bill 529, signed into law by then-Governor Charles L. Terry, Jr. The first Delaware Tech campus opened its doors in Sussex County in September of 1967. Three hundred and sixty-seven students enrolled in the first year encouraged by the slogan, “A job for every graduate, a graduate for every job.” Enrollment doubled in the second year, and it soon became necessary to begin construction to house more laboratories and classrooms at the “Southern Campus.” In 1995, the name was changed to the "Owens Campus" in honor of its first campus director, Jack F. Owens...
View the full history of Delaware Tech.
Message from the President
Congratulations and welcome to Delaware Technical Community College! As a former graduate of Delaware Tech and now as its president, I know the difference we can make in the lives of our students and our community. Our top priority is to connect our students with jobs and to help them reach their goals. In addition, we provide a highly-skilled workforce for state and regional employers and offer various community-based programs to meet community needs.
Delaware Tech values and continuously cultivates strong relationships both internally and externally. We believe that each employee contributes to student success and we hope you will take pride in being a member of our team.
Please familiarize yourself with the contents of the New Employee Orientation below and contact Human Resources with any questions.
We hope your experience here will be challenging, enjoyable, and rewarding. Delaware Tech is a great place to work!
Mark T. Brainard
About Human Resources
The mission of the Human Resources Division is to provide leadership and expertise on human resource issues to accomplish the strategic objectives of Delaware Technical Community College by serving as internal/external consultants to prospective/current employees in the following areas:
- Developing and supporting a quality workforce
- Facilitating an efficient and effective employment process
- Directing a comprehensive performance management process
- Providing a continuum of learning to support professional and organizational development
- Serving as an advocate for equity, diversity, and lifelong learning
HR Office Contacts
- Contact HR
- Dover Campus Map (PDF)
- Georgetown Campus Map (PDF)
- Stanton Campus Map (PDF)
- Wilmington Campus Map (PDF)
Personnel Policy Manual Highlights
Though all of the College's policies are important and we require you to read them all, please prioritize your familiarization with the policies contained below:
Civil Rights & Title IX Information
The Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator monitors and oversees the implementation of the College's nondiscrimination and sexual misconduct policies which includes the management and resolution of complaints involving sexual misconduct and discrimination.
Any questions pertaining to the College's nondiscrimination or sexual misconduct policies may be addressed to the Civil Rights & Title IX Coordinator, Elizabeth Groller, Esq., at (302) 857-1903 or at civilrights@whtmy.com.
For more information on the College's nondiscrimination and sexual misconduct policies, please review 1.00 Statement of Nondiscrimination Policy; 1.02 Policy on Sexual Misconduct; 13.04 Procedures for the Resolution of Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Complaints.
Visit the Title IX/Civil Rights webpage to learn more.
Campus Safety
Delaware Tech is committed to providing the campus community with a safe environment in which to learn and work. We work with administration, faculty, staff, and students with the mutual goal of maintaining order and preventing crime. Public safety provides a full range of services: public safety assistance phones, safety escorts, lost and found, student identification cards, and a motorist assistance program. You'll see our officers patrolling the campus on bicycle or Segway, in their patrol cars, or on foot.
For information regarding forms, important phone numbers, and campus crime statistics (Clery Annual Report), visit the Public Safety webpage.
New Hire Paperwork for On-Site Onboarding Appointment
Once you have completed NEO online, please complete and print the required new-hire documentation listed below and bring the documents with you to your pre-scheduled onboarding appointment. At that time, a Human Resources representative will collect your new hire paperwork, verify your employee information, and review additional employment details including Delaware Tech benefits programs. If you have not already scheduled an on-site onboarding appointment, please call the Human Resources Office Representative listed in your offer letter to do so.
Please Note: Some web browsers can have difficulty displaying fillable forms. We suggest that you first download PDF forms (right click on link and select save link/target as...) to your desktop or network drive, then open them with official Adobe Reader rather than viewing directly in a web browser.
- 2025 Federal W-4 Form (PDF)
- 2025 State of Delaware W-4 Form (PDF)
- Clery Act
- Delaware Sexual Harassment Notice (PDF)
- Direct Deposit Authorization Form (PDF)
- Drug Free Schools and Workplace Policy (PDF)
- Drug Free Schools and Workplace Policy Acknowledgement (PDF)
- Electronic Mail and Internet Usage Notice (PDF)
- Emergency Contact Form (PDF)
- Employee Confidentiality Agreement (PDF)
- I-9 Form (PDF) (must be downloaded and viewed in a PDF viewer, complete Section 1 only)
- I-9 Instructions (PDF)
- Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Employee Notification Form (PDF)
- Understanding Your Paystub (PDF)
Completing the Orientation
Thank you for taking the time to become familiar with Delaware Technical Community College. We look forward to having you become a part of our innovative and collaborative team.
New Employee FAQs
All college employees are required to have a college-issued photo identification badge in their possession at all times when they are on campus. The Human Resources office will coordinate with Public Safety in obtaining badges.
Employees may park in any Delaware Tech parking lot. Be sure to read parking lot signage posted at the campus. Reserved spaces are clearly marked. Some campus locations have specific parking areas designated for faculty and staff. Only the Stanton/Wilmington Campus requires a parking permit, available from S/G Public Safety locations.
All newly hired employees shall be in a probationary status until they complete one (1) full year of uninterrupted service with the College. All regular part time or temporary employees hired into a regular full-time position shall serve an additional probationary period of one (1) year in the new position. The College may extend any probationary period for an additional year by providing written notice within sixty (60) calendar days prior to the expiration of the probationary period. During a probationary period, or any extension thereof, the College may terminate the probationary employee's employment, with or without cause, upon ten (10) working days prior notice. Such notice shall be in writing. If employment is terminated pursuant to this Section, the employee does not have a right to a hearing under Section XII or XIII of the Personnel Policy Manual.
This is a unique six-digit number assigned via the State of Delaware payroll system when the first paycheck is processed. The number appears on the pay check/pay advice.
During the initial onboarding session, a Human Resources staff member will provide the date for receipt of the first paycheck. The first check will be a live, paper check, which will be mailed to the address submitted with the onboarding paperwork. Payment thereafter will be electronically deposited into the financial account that employees designated. Pay advices/pay checks may be accessed electronically on my.delaware.gov.
Log on to the State of Delaware Employee Self Service website. New users will receive step-by-step instructions on how to register a new account. Employee Self-Service is a secure online website for employees to view pay and benefit information and make benefit changes during Open Enrollment. Employees who wish to receive their W-2 forms electronically must opt in using Employee Self-Service. If employees do not opt in, a hard copy will be mailed by the end of January. Learn more about Understanding Your Paystub (PDF).
Direct Deposit is required by the State of Delaware as a condition of state employment. Employees must submit a direct deposit authorization form at the time of hire.
The IRS updated the W4 form in 2020, which removed withholding allowances. Employees who wish to update their federal and state W4 forms can forward completed forms to their local HR office.
Open Enrollment is the time frame when state employees may elect to change benefit plans, scope of coverage, add/delete dependents, etc. This is an annual event usually occurring during May. Any change in benefits usually has a July 1st effective date. Information regarding Open Enrollment will be posted on the college portal.
Employees ARE PERMITTED to make benefit changes during the plan year if they experience a qualifying event, such as birth, death, marriage, divorce, etc. A benefit or dependent change triggered by a qualifying event must be processed within thirty (30) calendar days of that event. Documentation is required if enrolling a spouse or other dependent for the first time. Such documentation includes birth, marriage license and/or Certification of Tax Dependent forms if applicable.
The College is closed in observance of the holidays listed below. A schedule of the specific dates of observance is published annually on the College portal and the Human Resources webpage. During the December/January holiday winter break, a combination of annual leave and holidays are used. An employee unable to accrue enough annual leave to cover the December/January holiday College closing period due to their initial full-time hire date, may borrow sufficient annual leave from the following calendar year's accrual to remain in paid status for the holiday closing period. In this case, no annual leave shall be taken until the borrowed amount has been earned. The Director of Human Resources shall review and confirm employee eligibility for this provision.
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr., Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- General Election Day
- *Return Day (after 12:00 noon for employees living or working in Sussex County)
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
- Two Floating Holidays (authorized by the State of Delaware)
- Any additional holidays so proclaimed by executive decree (Presidential and/or Gubernatorial) and approved by the President of the College
*Return Day (Thursday following a general Election Day) – Only the Owens Campus is closed; the holiday extends to employees who live (regardless of their work location) or work in Sussex County
Legal holidays occasionally fall on days that the College instructional program is in session. When campus personnel are required to work on such days, they may take off another day in lieu thereof when the instructional program is not operating. To qualify for pay for a holiday, the employee shall be required to be in paid status, for a full day, on their last scheduled work day prior to the holiday and on their next scheduled work day after the holiday. The College President has the authority to direct an alternate observance of holidays if the official observance is missed due to the requirements of the instructional program.
Guidelines for Floating Holidays, if not required by the President to be used on specific days when College facilities are closed:
- Floating holidays are to be used in whole day increments of 7.5 hours.
- Unused floating holidays will not carry forward from one calendar year to the next.
- Floating holidays used to supplement short-term disability or worker's compensation will apply in whole day increments with no residual.
- Floating holidays are paid at straight time.
Floating holidays are earned as follows during the first calendar year of employment: Hire date between 1/1 – 4/30 – two (2) floating holidays earned; hire date between 5/1 – 8/31 – one (1) floating holiday earned; hire date between 9/1 – 12/31 – no floating holidays earned.
Regular full-time employees and temporary full-time for nine months or more employees may enroll in and attend Delaware Tech catalog courses during each academic term, including one course during working hours which must have the prior approval of (a) the immediate supervisor, (b) the appropriate dean, director, or manager, and (c) the Vice President and Campus Director (President for Office of the President). In the opinion of the foregoing College officials, any course taken during working hours must be of such a nature as to improve the employee's work contribution to the College, or count toward a degree which will improve the employee's work contribution to the College. Excused time for attending and traveling to and from the location at which a course taken during regular working hours is offered shall not exceed six (6) hours during each week the employee attends the course. However, during summer sessions, excused time for attending IDT Certificate courses may exceed six (6) hours.
A tuition exchange agreement is in place with the University of Delaware and Delaware State University. A partial reimbursement option is available if coursework is taken at other educational institutions. Specific information about these programs is available in the PPM 7.14.
Employees may enroll in and attend Delaware Tech credit courses each academic term but must attend such courses outside of their working hours.
A wellness center staffed by exercise professionals is located at each campus. Usage is free of charge; employees must present a valid college ID badge upon entering the facility.
The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available to State of Delaware Group Health Plan non-Medicare members and their dependents. Members are strongly encouraged to reach out to ComPsych for guidance as they attempt to balance the high demands of home and work life issues. ComPsych is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day to meet all of your needs. Contacts with ComPsych are confidential and provided at no cost.
ComPsych provides assistance to members in the following areas:
- Marital Relationships
- Family/Parenting Issues
- Stress Management
- Grief and Loss
- Difficult Emotional Problems
- Eldercare/Childcare
- Legal/Financial
- Parenting/Schooling Issues
- Alcohol and Drug Abuse
- Occupational Stress
- Working With Others
- Balance Work and Family
- Management and Supervision
- Parenting
- Aging
- Balancing
- Thriving
- Working
- Living
- Resource Library
- Learning Center
- Relocation Center
- Savings Center
- Skill Builders
- Monthly Webinars
- Employee Supervisory Issues
The name change request form should be completed and returned to HR for processing. Employees must provide the legal documents granting the name change. Examples are a court-order granting a name change; marriage certificate; divorce decree that includes a name change, etc. In every instance a Social Security card issued in the new name must be presented. College and state employment records cannot be changed without a valid Social Security card. The record will be updated to reflect the name exactly as it appears on the Social Security card.
The address change form should be completed and returned to HR for processing. It is important to ensure a current address is on file. All official notifications from the college/state will be mailed to that address. If employees elect to use employee self-service to change their address, please forward a change of address form to the HR office to allow all HR records to reflect this change.
Dover Campus:
Terry Campus is currently undergoing construction. The cafeteria will be located on the first floor of the Terry Building.
Georgetown Campus:
The Lighthouse Cove cafeteria is located in the Student Services Building.
Stanton Campus:
The Landing Café is located in the A Wing adjacent to the main lobby next to the Public Safety desk.
Wilmington Campus:
The Station Café is located in the East Building lower level next to the elevators.
Get more information and your campus cafeteria hours on the dining services web page.
Delaware Technical Community College’s wide array of benefits not only enhances your financial security and well-being, they also add significantly to your total compensation. These benefits include health, dental, and vision coverage for you and your family, life insurance, short and long-term disability insurance, pension plan, generous leave time, flexible spending account, the tuition exchange and tuition reimbursement programs. A list of the College’s benefits can be found on the Employee Benefits webpage in addition to the benefits administered by the State. Please contact your local HR office to schedule an appointment to learn more about the College’s benefits.
Employees earn annual leave at the rate of 13.25 hours per calendar month worked and/or paid (up to 159 hours per year). Regular, full-time employees earn sick leave at the rate of 9.50 hours per calendar month worked and/or paid (up to 114.00 hours per year). More information can be found in the Personnel Policy Manual.